How to Fit a Skateboard Grip ?

¿Cómo ajustar un <tc>Skateboard</tc> <tc>Grip</tc>?

How to Fit a Skateboard Grip ?

Follow our expert Nathan's advice in this tutorial (you can enable subtitles) . He'll explain all the steps you need to take to install a skateboard grip correctly. Come and see us for more information at our shop in Bayonne!

Step 1: Check that the deck is clean and free of residue

  • Take the grip, remove the sticker, position the grip on the centre of the skateboard, and tape all over the grip. 

Step 2 : Cut the grip 

  • File the edges of the skateboard and insert the blade under the skate to cut the grip.
  • For minor finishing touches, cut with the cutter
  • Use a file to smooth the edges of the skateboard

Step 3 : Hole the grip for screws and bolts 

  • Cut out any remaining air bubbles with the tip of the cutter


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